Applied Physics Lab
Physics lab is well equipped with all the modern gadgets and instruments. Each practical batch comprises of 30 students with two students working together on one set of equipment.
First Semester experiments are based on the optics and mechanics which covers the phenomena of Interference, Diffraction, Polarization and optical instruments such as Dispersive power of prism, Newton ring, He-Ne laser. For I semester physics lab is divided into two part, one is dark room for optics experiment and other is research arena for mechanics experiments.
For Second semester, practical based on the theory of Electro magnetism, Magnetism, and Semiconductor. We have a wide range of experiments like pendulums, Hall Effect, BH Curve, e/m, Four Probe, Stefan’s constant, PE Curve etc. Thermal experiments include Lee method, Platinum resistant thermometer (PRT) etc. We have High precision CROs, measurement devices like IC testers, multimeters, function generators, audio oscillators etc
Applied Chemistry Lab
Two courses viz. the Applied Chemistry Lab and the Environmental Studies lab are taught both in the first and second semesters.
The Applied Chemistry lab course gives students an understanding about the basic concepts of Volumetric analysis. The principles of Volumetric analysis find extensive application in carrying out the determination of different properties of water samples such as hardness and alkalinity. The students are also taught about experimentally determining surface tension and viscosity of water samples.
In the Environmental Studies lab course, the titration experiments enable the students to analyse different water samples for determination of the content of dissolved oxygen, dissolved carbon dioxide, ammonia, residual chlorine etc. Students are also made to perform analyses of waste water samples to assess physical parameters such as pH, conductivity, turbidity etc. using digital instruments.
Mechanical Engg. Lab
Workshop practice gives the basic working knowledge required for the production of various engineering products and properties of different materials used in industries. It explains the use of different tools, equipment, machinery, and techniques for manufacturing which ultimately facilitate shaping the raw material into various usable forms. It provides the basic working knowledge of the production and properties of different materials used in the industry.
It explains the construction, functions, use, and application of different working tools, equipment’s, machines, as well as the techniques for manufacturing a product from raw materials. Trades in workshop practice
1. Fitting Shop
2. Sheet Metal Shop
3. Welding Shop
4. Machine Shop
Engineering graphics is an important subject of engineering which provides students an opportunity to enhance their capability of imagination and lateral thinking. The following are the objectives of this courseGet acquainted with the knowledge of various lines, geometrical construction and construction of various kind of scale and ellipse.Improve their imagination skill by giving knowledge about points, lines, and planes and solids.Become proficient in drawing the projection of various solids, isometric, orthographic and development of surfaces and introduction to CADD software and its important commands and its application